What Precautions Should Be Taken When Administering Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Testosterone is a very strong hormone, and when administered in the form of hormone replacement therapy, precautions need to be taken to ensure that the treatment does more good than harm. For that reason, there are certain conditions that may not respond to the treatment, or could put the person at higher risk. If you are thinking about testosterone therapy, you need to ensure that you get fully informed medical advice and that your doctor is aware of all pre-existing health conditions. Doctors at low cost medical clinics in Las Vegas will be able to provide you with guidance on whether you are a suitable candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.
Generally speaking, men who have chronic disease or illness usually have better success at restoring their testosterone levels if the root cause of the problem is addressed. Also, because of the controversy surrounding cancers, men with prostate or breast cancer should be advised of the risk factors. While studies have produced mixed results, some doctors may not feel it is in a patient’s best interests to have hormone replacement therapy.
Testosterone replacement therapy is also not advised for professional athletes because of the performance benefits it provides. Taking testosterone could affect an athlete’s career or have them disqualified from official competitions.
Men who have prostate indurations or nodules, and those who have elevated PSA levels for no apparent reason, may also be discouraged from pursuing treatment. Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia and urinary tract complications should also be wary of testosterone treatment. The drug is also not suitable for men with congestive heart failure, untreated sleep apnoea or erythrocytosis.
If you have any of the following conditions, you need to make sure your doctor is aware before starting testosterone treatment: migraines, epilepsy, heart or kidney failure, polycythaemia or severe high blood pressure.
Men who have hypogonadism and who are eligible for testosterone therapy can expect a range of health benefits, which include a better state of health and wellbeing, an improved libido, an increase in bone density, reduced body fat levels and an increase in muscle mass. Others have reported better mental health and improved energy levels. Testosterone therapy will not affect or treat infertility, so men who want to start a family should also discuss this with their doctor first.
If you are in doubt about whether you could benefit from testosterone treatment, your doctors at low cost medical clinics in Las Vegas will be able to give you the most professional advice.